51 research outputs found

    Generalized Vietoris Bisimulations

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    We introduce and study bisimulations for coalgebras on Stone spaces [14]. Our notion of bisimulation is sound and complete for behavioural equivalence, and generalizes Vietoris bisimulations [4]. The main result of our paper is that bisimulation for a Stone\mathbf{Stone} coalgebra is the topological closure of bisimulation for the underlying Set\mathbf{Set} coalgebra

    Disjunctive bases: normal forms and model theory for modal logics

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    We present the concept of a disjunctive basis as a generic framework for normal forms in modal logic based on coalgebra. Disjunctive bases were defined in previous work on completeness for modal fixpoint logics, where they played a central role in the proof of a generic completeness theorem for coalgebraic mu-calculi. Believing the concept has a much wider significance, here we investigate it more thoroughly in its own right. We show that the presence of a disjunctive basis at the "one-step" level entails a number of good properties for a coalgebraic mu-calculus, in particular, a simulation theorem showing that every alternating automaton can be transformed into an equivalent nondeterministic one. Based on this, we prove a Lyndon theorem for the full fixpoint logic, its fixpoint-free fragment and its one-step fragment, a Uniform Interpolation result, for both the full mu-calculus and its fixpoint-free fragment, and a Janin-Walukiewicz-style characterization theorem for the mu-calculus under slightly stronger assumptions. We also raise the questions, when a disjunctive basis exists, and how disjunctive bases are related to Moss' coalgebraic "nabla" modalities. Nabla formulas provide disjunctive bases for many coalgebraic modal logics, but there are cases where disjunctive bases give useful normal forms even when nabla formulas fail to do so, our prime example being graded modal logic. We also show that disjunctive bases are preserved by forming sums, products and compositions of coalgebraic modal logics, providing tools for modular construction of modal logics admitting disjunctive bases. Finally, we consider the problem of giving a category-theoretic formulation of disjunctive bases, and provide a partial solution

    Expressiveness of the modal mu-calculus on monotone neighborhood structures

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    We characterize the expressive power of the modal mu-calculus on monotone neighborhood structures, in the style of the Janin-Walukiewicz theorem for the standard modal mu-calculus. For this purpose we consider a monadic second-order logic for monotone neighborhood structures. Our main result shows that the monotone modal mu-calculus corresponds exactly to the fragment of this second-order language that is invariant for neighborhood bisimulations

    Monadic Second-Order Logic and Bisimulation Invariance for Coalgebras

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    Generalizing standard monadic second-order logic for Kripke models, we introduce monadic second-order logic interpreted over coalgebras for an arbitrary set functor. Similar to well-known results for monadic second-order logic over trees, we provide a translation of this logic into a class of automata, relative to the class of coalgebras that admit a tree-like supporting Kripke frame. We then consider invariance under behavioral equivalence of formulas; more in particular, we investigate whether the coalgebraic mu-calculus is the bisimulation-invariant fragment of monadic second-order logic. Building on recent results by the third author we show that in order to provide such a coalgebraic generalization of the Janin-Walukiewicz Theorem, it suffices to find what we call an adequate uniform construction for the functor. As applications of this result we obtain a partly new proof of the Janin-Walukiewicz Theorem, and bisimulation invariance results for the bag functor (graded modal logic) and all exponential polynomial functors. Finally, we consider in some detail the monotone neighborhood functor, which provides coalgebraic semantics for monotone modal logic. It turns out that there is no adequate uniform construction for this functor, whence the automata-theoretic approach towards bisimulation invariance does not apply directly. This problem can be overcome if we consider global bisimulations between neighborhood models: one of our main technical results provides a characterization of the monotone modal mu-calculus extended with the global modalities, as the fragment of monadic second-order logic for the monotone neighborhood functor that is invariant for global bisimulations

    An expressive completeness theorem for coalgebraic modal mu-calculi

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    Generalizing standard monadic second-order logic for Kripke models, we introduce monadic second-order logic interpreted over coalgebras for an arbitrary set functor. We then consider invariance under behavioral equivalence of MSO-formulas. More specifically, we investigate whether the coalgebraic mu-calculus is the bisimulation-invariant fragment of the monadic second-order language for a given functor. Using automatatheoretic techniques and building on recent results by the third author, we show that in order to provide such a characterization result it suffices to find what we call an adequate uniform construction for the coalgebraic type functor. As direct applications of this result we obtain a partly new proof of the Janin-Walukiewicz Theorem for the modal mu-calculus, avoiding the use of syntactic normal forms, and bisimulation invariance results for the bag functor (graded modal logic) and all exponential polynomial functors (including the "game functor"). As a more involved application, involving additional non-trivial ideas, we also derive a characterization theorem for the monotone modal mu-calculus, with respect to a natural monadic second-order language for monotone neighborhood models.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1501.0721

    A New Game Equivalence and its Modal Logic

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    We revisit the crucial issue of natural game equivalences, and semantics of game logics based on these. We present reasons for investigating finer concepts of game equivalence than equality of standard powers, though staying short of modal bisimulation. Concretely, we propose a more finegrained notion of equality of "basic powers" which record what players can force plus what they leave to others to do, a crucial feature of interaction. This notion is closer to game-theoretic strategic form, as we explain in detail, while remaining amenable to logical analysis. We determine the properties of basic powers via a new representation theorem, find a matching "instantial neighborhood game logic", and show how our analysis can be extended to a new game algebra and dynamic game logic.Comment: In Proceedings TARK 2017, arXiv:1707.0825

    Disjunctive Bases: Normal Forms for Modal Logics

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    We present the concept of a disjunctive basis as a generic framework for normal forms in modal logic based on coalgebra. Disjunctive bases were defined in previous work on completeness for modal fixpoint logics, where they played a central role in the proof of a generic completeness theorem for coalgebraic mu-calculi. Believing the concept has a much wider significance, here we investigate it more thoroughly in its own right. We show that the presence of a disjunctive basis at the "one-step" level entails a number of good properties for a coalgebraic mu-calculus, in particular, a simulation theorem showing that every alternating automaton can be transformed into an equivalent nondeterministic one. Based on this, we prove a Lyndon theorem for the full fixpoint logic, its fixpoint-free fragment and its one-step fragment, and a Uniform Interpolation result, for both the full mu-calculus and its fixpoint-free fragment. We also raise the questions, when a disjunctive basis exists, and how disjunctive bases are related to Moss\u27 coalgebraic "nabla" modalities. Nabla formulas provide disjunctive bases for many coalgebraic modal logics, but there are cases where disjunctive bases give useful normal forms even when nabla formulas fail to do so, our prime example being graded modal logic. Finally, we consider the problem of giving a category-theoretic formulation of disjunctive bases, and provide a partial solution

    Completeness for game logic

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    Game logic was introduced by Rohit Parikh in the 1980s as a generalisation of propositional dynamic logic (PDL) for reasoning about outcomes that players can force in determined 2-player games. Semantically, the generalisation from programs to games is mirrored by moving from Kripke models to monotone neighbourhood models. Parikh proposed a natural PDL-style Hilbert system which was easily proved to be sound, but its completeness has thus far remained an open problem. In this paper, we introduce a cut-free sequent calculus for game logic, and two cut-free sequent calculi that manipulate annotated formulas, one for game logic and one for the monotone mu-calculus, the variant of the polymodal mu-calculus where the semantics is given by monotone neighbourhood models instead of Kripke structures. We show these systems are sound and complete, and that completeness of Parikh's axiomatization follows. Our approach builds on recent ideas and results by Afshari & Leigh (LICS 2017) in that we obtain completeness via a sequence of proof transformations between the systems. A crucial ingredient is a validity-preserving translation from game logic to the monotone mu-calculus
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